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Turin, 21/09/18 – Floramiata and Co.Svi.G. (Consorzio Sviluppo Aree Geothermiche) in collaboration with Slow Food Toscana, after the screening of the Earth Generation short which tells how miners after the closing of the mercury mines became floriculturists thanks to the use of geothermal energy presented their future that in addition to Ornamental plants include a new horizon in the food field with the production of certified plants of nuts and microalgae. A milestone illustrated by the production manager dr. Franco Capocchi and the head of the research and development laboratory dott.ssa Viola Calignano, who covers the theme of the fair, #Food for Change, including the use of renewable energy and new technologies by improving the traditional varieties with natural methods reducing the need to resort to the interventions improving the environmental sustainability of the whole fruit-bearing sector.

Regarding the chestnut tree, Floramiata, in collaboration with the main Piedmontese and Tuscan Research Institutes, is a candidate to create a center for experimentation and multiplication of certified plants in the quality of rootstocks and traditional varieties.

In the corilicolo field Floramiata took care of solving in a natural way the problem that afflicts growers concerning the need to eliminate the suckers that the plant naturally emits from the base of the stem, compromising the productivity of the hazelnut itself. The solution includes the in vitro meristematic multiplication of a species similar to the kernel called Corylus Colurna L. which by its very nature can not be used to produce suckers can be used as a “non-polloniferous” rootstock, thus facilitating the whole production chain.

A further field of application of geothermal heat provides the opportunity to breed the Spirulina microalgae, strongly requested and used by the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and especially nutraceutical industries. Co.Svi.G. and Enel Green Power have already started an experimentation that has given good results on its greenhouse cultivation.